I'm overwhelmed with gratitude - FOR YOU.

I hope you are having a fantastic fall weekend. Today is a bit of a thank you blog post, as I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed these days. Overwhelmed with gratitude, that is.
Never in my wildest dreams did I think we'd reach the heights at this little boutique that we have. Never in my wildest dreams did I think we'd be fortunate enough to build a tribe of clients, and friends, like all of you. A tribe who supports us through everything, encourages us, tells their friends about us, and shops with us! But here we are, and here YOU are, and I'm overwhelmed, and grateful.
Never in my wildest dreams did I think I'd have ONE employee, let alone SIX, and that they would be the most incredible team of ladies that I'm fairly certain would follow me through fire if I asked them to. They literally are unicorns, and they are such a huge gift in my life. I'm overwhelmed by them, and grateful.
Never in my wildest dreams did I think we'd have TWO locations, and need a WAREHOUSE to bring you all the pretty things. But we do have two locations, and we open our warehouse this week. I'm actually going to have a desk! And I'm overwhelmed, and grateful.
The truth is, Blue Willow wouldn't be successful without the help of literally THOUSANDS of people. There are bigger boutiques out there, ones that do TONS more revenue than we do and have many more clients. We are but a very small little fish. But I'm fortunate enough to have something they don't - all of YOU, and our sweet little community, and special local towns, and all of our online friends. Combined with my incredible and supportive family (especially my mama Linda)
and my amazing fiancé Kent, my bad ass team, and all of YOU - I get to see my wildest dreams come true, every single day. And that is overwhelming, and makes me incredibly grateful.
and my amazing fiancé Kent, my bad ass team, and all of YOU - I get to see my wildest dreams come true, every single day. And that is overwhelming, and makes me incredibly grateful.
Hear me when I say this - DREAM BIG, sister! There's just one life, and we've got to make the most of it. So today, carve out a wild dream of your own. Write that sucker down, no matter how small it is, and start looking at it every single day. I'll bet, pretty soon, you'll be overwhelmed too.

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